Greedy: strong desire to have more and more.
Cruel: like to cause suffering in others.
Outlaw: live outside the protection of the law/ a criminal.
Robber: steal for others.
Possessions: things that a person has.
Archer: person with a bow and arrow.
Earl: nobleman.
Huntingdom: town in east central England.
Crusade: Christian military expedition.
Bow: arc.
Arrow: fletxa.
Friar: monk.
Wickeed: evil, bad.
Cowards: people who are not courageous.
Wildly: without control.
Peasant: person who works the land.
Targets: diana.
Crowd: a lot of people together.
Revenge: punishment in return for a bad action.
Challenge: invitation to compete in a contest or fight.
Discover: to find out something new.
Messenger: a person who brings news.
Trap: plan for tricking or catching a person.
Pale: pàl·lit.