Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Carly Rae Jepsen's first hit, "Call Me Maybe", was called "the song of summer 2012". It was Number One in her home country Canada, and many other countries such as the UK and the USA. Carly wrote it as a folk song, but then it was made into a pop song. It is on Carly's first album Curiosity, which includes five of her own songs, and one song from the legendary Canadian folkh! Singer Joni Mitchell.


Leah                  That's amazing! Is that your photo, Shaun?

Shaun                Yes, do you like it?

Leah                  Yeah. Where were you when you saw that?

Shaun                I was on holiday in Madrid. These people were doing tricks
                           were doing tricks on their skateboards.

Leah                  Really? Why were they doing that?

Shaun                It was a show.

Leah                  Did you try it?

Shaun                You're kidding! I can't skateboard.

Leah                  Yeah, well it's a great photo. Well done!